It’s the last weekend of March already. I can’t believe how fast this year is going. Soon it will be time to think about Christmas planning again! Only joking, kind of. More importantly, it is time for some April planning and I’ve created this Free Printable April Calendar to help get those plans down.

Free Printable April Calendar Template
There is plenty of space on this calendar page for all your daily appointments and important dates.
I’ve also included a focus box at the top for your number one goal or priority for the month. Write it down and see if you can work on it every day to make some real progress. My number one focus for April is getting back on track with my diet. January worked great for me but I have stalled over the last few weeks so need to get back on track. What do you really want to achieve in April?
At the bottom of the page you can jot down a few more goals you want to work on. And any reminders that crop up through the month.
The undated version is available to download at the bottom of this post. I also have a dated April 2021 version available in my free subscriber resource library.

If you want to be super organised I have a weekly planner, a daily planner and a weekly meal planner all free to download in the library too.
If you’d like to receive updates about all my new freebies and blog posts, along with useful planning tips and inspiration then sign up for my weekly newsletter below. I’ll also send you the password to the library.
What can you do in April?
Here are some ideas of things you might like to plan for April.
5 things you can do in April
- Make a birdhouse – Spring is here so why not brighten up your garden and make a home for the birds.
- Photograph a rainbow – National Find a Rainbow Day is on April 3rd. Make the most of those April showers and challenge yourself to look out for a rainbow.
- Put away all your winter clothes – encourage the warmer weather and make some space in your wardrobe for spring outfits.
- Plan a picnic – In your garden or the park. Plan some time to relax outside and enjoy the fresh air.
- Go for a bike ride – it’s the perfect time for a bit of outdoors exercise. Not too hot and not too cold.
5 National Days in April
- 7th April – National Beer Day (and April 6th is actually New Beer’s Eve). Celebrate with a pint of pale ale, lager, stout, or wheat beer.
- 13th April – National Scrabble Day so dust off your scrabble board and challenge your family to a game.
- 16th April – National Wear Your PJs to Work Day. I think half the country does this most days at the moment.
- 22nd April – National Earth Day. On 22nd April, National Earth Day campaigns around the globe promote ways to save the Earth. Are there any Earth Day activities going on in your area?
- 28th April – National Superhero Day, honouring superheroes both real and fictional. Why not take your personal superhero out for lunch to thank them? Or plan an evening binge watching superhero films on the couch.
Free Printable April Calendar Template

Here are the links to the April calendar pages, available in 8.5×11″ and A4.
I hope you enjoy your April planning.
I have a little store on Etsy with lots more printables. I’d love you to check it out to see all my planners, journals and loads more.
thank you