If you are planning on taking up a new walking routine, one of the most important decisions you can make is investing in a decent pair of walking shoes. Wearing the wrong type of shoes could quickly cause pain and tension in your feet, ankles and calves. Here are some tips on how to find the right walking shoes.

Tips for Finding the Right Walking Shoes
Believe it or not, running shoes are not ideal if you just plan to walk or go on hikes. Walkers strike the ground with their heel and roll through the step. Runners strike with the midsole and need shoes suitable for this action, and also to soften the impact of running.
The type of walking you will do is what is going to determine which shoes you should be getting. Here are some tips to consider when choosing the right walking shoes for you.
Where Will You Wear the Walking Shoes?
It is important to think about where you will wear your walking shoes so that you can find the perfect footwear. If you are going to walk on slippery surfaces, then you might want slip-resistant soles on the shoes. Alternatively, when you are going to walk in muddy or snowy locations, you should select shoes that have a higher top so that your ankles don’t get wet. If you are thinking of hiking then trail shoes will offer more protection for your feet.

Understand the Size of Your Feet
It is best to have your feet measured to determine the width and length of your feet. In most cases, if you are walking a lot, then your feet will swell in the late afternoon or early evening, so shopping for shoes at these times would be ideal. Make sure to choose shoes that have a small amount of space near the toes, but also, bring along the socks that you plan to wear while walking in the footwear. If there is not enough room in your shoes, you could end up with black toenails, blisters, and foot pain from swelling.
Durable and Waterproof Shoes
If you are walking for long periods and in all types of weather, it is essential to have waterproof shoes that are durable. Flimsy fabric shoes won’t protect your feet while you are walking for several miles. And if your feet are wet, not only will it make for an uncomfortable experience, but you are also more likely to develop blisters on your feet. Read the labels on the boxes of shoes, or alternatively, look inside the shoes to learn more about the product’s features. You might also like to do a bit of research online and check out some reviews.
Sturdy Arch Supports
Walking for long distances can damage the arches in your feet, so make sure that the shoes that you buy have sturdy arch supports inside. Some shoes will have higher arches than others do, but if you walk in the footwear store, then you can see if the arches feel comfortable. In addition, you can also add orthotics to your walking shoes to protect your feet while you are walking each day.
The Height of the Heel
You should never wear shoes with high heels when you plan to walk a lot, but some individuals enjoy wearing flat-soled shoes while others prefer shoes with a low heel. It is also important to choose shoes that don’t slip on your heels while you are walking because this can lead to having blisters. Remember that tight shoes will loosen slightly as you wear the items, but you shouldn’t wear shoes that hurt your feet.
So now you know how to find the right walking shoes and what features to look for. I hope this means you can shop with confidence and find a pair of comfortable and well fitting walking shoes.
Are you looking at developing a new walking habit or do you fancy setting yourself a challenge? Then you might be interested in my free 21 Day Walking Challenge. With 21 days of walking tips and advice it also includes a free printable challenge calendar and exclusive walking journal.
Check it out in my blog post 21 Day Walking Challenge or you can sign up below.
Check out my post Fitness Gear For Your Walking Routine for tips on clothing and other gear you might need for your walking routine.
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