Hi, I’m Jen and this is my blog, Planning Calm From Chaos.
I’m a wife, and mum of 3 who loves planning, bullet journaling, list making and all kinds of organising. Why then does my life feel like total mayhem? My house is a mess. I’ve lost count of the number of tried and failed diet attempts I have made over the years. There are just never enough hours in the day to accomplish all my good intentions. I really need to get my act together and figure out how to get my life where I want it to be.
These are the reasons for starting this blog. To hold myself accountable and record my journey. Work out what does and doesn’t work and compile a website of information that I find useful and hopefully you will too.
These are the areas of my life I am going to be looking at in particular
Home and Lifestyle
My house is a major mess and I’m going to be working my way round giving it a ruthless declutter. There are going to be some quite embarrassing before photos and hopefully some inspiring after photos. These will help to encourage me to keep going. I’ll be looking for cleaning and organising tips and ideas to share to make it easy to maintain my new living space.
Other home topics I’m going to be exploring are meal planning and budgeting. I do currently run our family budget. However, this invariably involves me logging everything we spend and watching the total overflow my target each month. Something I definitely need to put some thought into. My family are growing up and everyone wants to eat at different times so meal planning is a nightmare with ready meals a regular and expensive occurrence. Meal prep is something I am very interested in exploring. Therefore, finding us healthy meals I can portion out that we can grab when needed and quick and easy dinners to put together for the rare times we can all eat as a family
Health and Wellness
I have been on diets since my teens, lost weight and put it back on again countless times. Now I need to find a healthy lifestyle I can stick to that will help me lose the weight once and for all. I want to lose 3 stone and am going to share my progress here on my blog. Hopefully by putting it out into the world it will encourage me to make and stick to my new lifestyle. By sharing hints, tips and recipes I can build up an inspirational library to refer back to when I’m feeling weak and in need of a boost.
Planning and Productivity
I have used a bullet journal for a couple of years now and am obsessed with planners and trying to find the perfect system to organise my life. Making goals and creating routines and habits are subjects I am eager to learn more about, along with building time management and productivity skills. I’ll be sharing my bullet journal and lots of planning and productivity hacks as I learn them.
So, that’s what my blog is about. It is my space on the web to share my experiences and lessons learned. To build up a amazing resource of information that will transform my life from chaos to calm. Hopefully it will inspire you too.
Thank you for reading
Jen x
Planning Calm From Chaos
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