What are the benefits of drinking water? We all know we should be drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day but this is something I have always struggled with. It’s just not that exciting. Especially in the winter. I enjoy an ice cold glass in the summer but it’s not exactly comforting when the weather turns colder. Still, I’m going to have a look into why it is so important and see if it is worth the effort of trying to incorporate it into my daily routine.

9 Benefits of drinking water
Here are 9 benefits and reasons why you should keep well hydrated:
1 – to replace water you lose throughout the day – around 60% of your body is made up from water and you need to maintain this balance to function well. You lose water through sweating, going to the toilet and breathing so have to replace your stores by drinking.
2 – it increases brain power and concentration – studies suggest dehydration can cause your brain cells to shrink slightly making it harder to concentrate and leaving you feeling irritable.
3 – to help beat tiredness – dehydration can cause you to feel tired. Instead of drinking sugary drinks which will cause an energy slump later, water should help to perk you up.
4 – it could help with weight loss – drinking a glass of water before a meal can fill you up a little and you may eat less as a result
5 – to flush out toxins – Water consumption helps your body flush out waste through sweat and urination.
6 – improves your complexion – dehydration can make your skin dry, tight and flaky. Drinking water is great for your skin. It helps to moisturise it, keep it soft, and removes wrinkles.
7 – to help prevent headaches – headaches are one of the most common symptoms of dehydration. It can cause the brain to temporarily shrink from fluid loss. The brain then pulls away from the skull, resulting in pain and a dehydration headache.
8 – for fresh breath – Drinking a sufficient amount of water washes away leftover food particles and oral bacteria that lead to bad breath.
9 – it can improve your mood – your body works better when properly hydrated. This can make you feel better about yourself and put you in a good mood.
Plenty of good reasons there to make drinking more water a worthwhile habit to learn.
For more help building a new habit, check out my post 10 ways to build a new habit and make it stick

My monthly bullet journal water tracker
During December this is going to be a habit I am focusing on. I can’t realistically think about dieting properly in the run up to Christmas but I can work on upping my water intake. I’ve created a water habit tracker in my bullet journal for the month to measure my progress.

9 ways to drink more water
Try these tips to help you up your water intake so you can start to feel the benefits.
1 – drink a glass first thing in the morning
2 – use an app to remind you
3 – prepare a jug for the fridge
4 – drink herbal teas
5 – a slice of lemon or lime can add interest
6 – try carbonated water
7 – carry a bottle of water round with you
8 – have a glass with every meal
9 – take a glass to bed at night
I’m going to switch to drinking a herbal tea in the evenings and making sure I have a glass first thing too. A glass with each meal makes 5 glasses in total. A big bottle to drink throughout the day and a glass at bedtime and I should be there. I’ve installed the Water Time app on my phone to keep a check throughout the day. With this app you put in your weight and gender and it tells you how much water you need to drink each day. You can include tea, coffee, juice and milk too although these don’t add the full 100% volume that water does.
I’m looking forward logging my intake and to seeing the difference in how I feel by the end of the month.

It’s impressive how sticking with a drinking water routine can help boost your productivity by refreshing your brain. My friend talked about how he’s losing focus at work lately and I want to help him recover. Perhaps looking for a bottled water delivery company can help him get a constant supply of water when needed.